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The Trust receives a very large volume of requests for funding, and many enquiries regarding the elegibility of applicants as well as requests for guidance. Applications that don't adhere to the criteria below will not be considered.

*  The Trust works
only with Registered British Charities or British charitable affiliates of foreign charities but not with individuals.

*  The focus is
exclusively on children (with a cut-off age of 18) and wherever possible where the direct benefit  to children can be easily observed. This tends to exclude more general schemes such as core funding, parental or community support, publications, medical research, construction etc.

*  The Trustees' policy will increasingly be to concentrate on fewer but more substantial grants. These could be multi-year projects with the proviso that there is a clear breakdown of how funds will be spent over the period and on the basis that there will be an annual review of progress and  decisions made based on the further needs of the institutions concerned.

*  The Trustees are looking for
start up projects or identifiable new initiatives within existing projects, rather than contributions to recurring events or continuing programmes, however worthy. As an example, one might imagine a situation where a charity identifies a further project with potential and thinks "if only we had the funds to do that."  

*  Currently the Trust is particularly looking to support children's projects connected with the Arts, Mental Health,
also child Refugees in the UK and, as we are Camden based,  more inner-London based projects.

*  The Trustees will also expect to monitor and, wherever possible, to visit the projects they help to fund.

*  The Trustees will also expect to receive reports, at least twice annually, with information on funded projects.

*  The Trustee meet several times a year, but S.A.E  applications may be submitted
BY POST ONLY  at any time.

*  There is no Application Form.




Phone +44 0207 4359601

Email: (Not for Applications)

Trustees: Ben Shorten (Chairman) ,  Sam  Howard , Alex Krikler, Lucy Smouha.  

Registered Charity No  1055726

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