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Through the British charity, Deafway, the Casey Trust has supported St. Anthony's School for the Deaf in Uganda. Founded by the inspirational Father Anthony, the school has brought  a new life to deaf children, who otherwise would be condemned to a lonely and isolated existence or reduced to begging.  At the school they have found friends, education and  most importantly- through learning sign language - a voice.


Ken Howard and Ben Shorten visited the school and made this short film for Deafway.

If No One Cared  is a film made by Ken Howard with Ben Shorten for the World Medical Fund, a UK NGO offering medical care to the children of Northern Malawi, where AIDS and malaria are endemic. The Casey Trust has funded various projects with WMF, including the transformation of an ex-Army truck into the first mobile operating theatre in Malawi, penetrating deep into the bush. This film documents the work of the WMF and the first outing of  'a truck named HELP'.



Phone +44 0207 4359601

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Trustees: Ben Shorten (Chairman) ,  Sam  Howard , Alex Krikler, Lucy Smouha.  

Registered Charity No  1055726

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